Tag: I understand you have called your Manual an Information Manual. Why is that?

PAIA Manuals – What you need to know! (Video)

PAIA Manuals – What you need to know! (Video)

Recently, our Easy Docs Pty Ltd co-founder Matthew de Wet was interviewed on the SA Accounting Network YouTube Channel by Heinrich Grove (Owner of SA Accounting Network Pty Ltd) to answer the questions that you need to know about PAIA (Public Access to Information Act) manuals and the current 30th of June 2021 Deadline. Watch […]

Compliance Matters – PAIA & POPI

Compliance Matters – PAIA & POPI

Government confirmed in December 2020 that, in line with enforcement of the POPI and PAIA Legislation from 1 July 2021, every person who carries on a business, profession or trade, whether as a sole proprietor, partnership, company, trust or otherwise must prepare and lodge a so-called “PAIA manual” by no later than 30 June 2021, earlier for certain bodies.